Here, we have provided all the drivers for HP Deskjet 2520hc. Follow the step by step instructions to download the drivers.
Steps to download HP Deskjet 2520hc driver & software
for Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Server, Mac and Linux, Ubuntu.
Step1: First of all, determine your printer’s exact model number. Click here for more details.
Note: Look at the printer front, top and back physically to get the exact model number.
Step2: Secondly, determine your operating system. Click here for more details.
Step3: Determine your OS’s system type; 32bit or 64bit. Click here for more details.
Step4: Now, download the drivers – you have two options to download the drivers: A and B, see below.
Option 1: Download drivers from the below download section (Direct link) – Go to the download section.
Note: This driver is the same one listed on HP’s official website. We have just listed all those here for visitors conveniently free of charge :):), see below for the download link.
HP Deskjet 2520hc driver & software download link
You can download the HP Deskjet 2520hc drivers from here. Choose your operating system and system type 32bit or 64bit and then click on the highlighted blue link (hyperlink) to download the driver.
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver for Windows XP (32/64bit) – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver for Windows Vista (32/64bit) – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver for Windows 7 (32/64bit) – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver for Windows 8 (32/64bit) – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver for Windows 10 (32/64bit) – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver for Windows 11 (32/64bit) – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver
for Server 2000 to 2022 (32/64bit) – Download - HP Deskjet 2520hc basic driver
for Windows All Versions (32/64bit) – Download - HP Deskjet 2520hc basic driver
for Windows All Versions (32/64bit) – Download - HP Deskjet 2520hc full feature driver download for Mac 10.0 to 10.15 – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc HP smart driver download for Mac 11.x, 12.x – Download
- HP Deskjet 2520hc Driver Download for Linux and Ubuntu – Not Available
For these operating systems, drivers are not available on HP’s official website, either the drivers are inbuilt in the operating system or the printer does not support these operating systems.
Option 2: Download drivers from the HP Deskjet 2520hc official website.
Note: You can go for the second (B) option if the first option doesn’t work for you anyhow. This option is a direct download option from the printer’s official website, so you will always get the latest drivers from there.
Steps to Install HP Deskjet 2520hc Drivers
You have two options to install the drivers, check them below:
Install HP Deskjet 2520hc drivers through automatic installation wizard method (Automatically)
In this wizard method, you have two options; A and B, follow one of them:
Method 1 – Install HP Deskjet 2520hc drivers through CD which comes with the printer – Click here for more detail.
Method 2 – Install HP Deskjet 2520hc drivers through driver setup file which is easily available online on its official website – Click here for more details.
Note: In the above B option you can install printer drivers even if you have lost your printer driver disk. Now, you can easily install HP Deskjet 2520hc printer driver without using any CD / disk. -
Install HP Deskjet 2520hc drivers through manual installation method using the “Add a printer” option (Manually)
In this manual installation method you have only one option – C, follow this:
Method 3 – In this manual method, you need to extract the driver file (.inf) from the setup file (installation package) and then install them through the “add a printer” method manually – Click here for more details.
Q: By mistake, I install my original installation and I misplaced the original installation CD, Model no VCVRA 1221 Windows 7 32bit
A: Click here to download Windows 7 32bit drivers
Q: I need to download hp deskjet ink advantage 2520hc for Windows 10 64bit driver since my CD was missing
A: Widnows 10 driver is already listed under the download section on this page above. So please scroll up and go to the download section and click on Windows 10 download link.
happy and good and execelent
pls help
im always stuck on the install page. but in my printer setting it says its connected to the printer. but it cant print
It seems like connectivity issue with your printer’s USB cable. We suggest you to plug it to another USB port of the computer so that we connect properly.
1. Uninstall all the printer driver that you have installed on your computer.
2. Switch the computer’s cable USB port.
3. Reboot your computer.
4. After that, use this driver to install your printer again.
Please let’s know again if doesn’t work this trick.
I need to download hp deskjet ink advantage 2520hc for Windows 07 64 bit driver since my CD was missing, i have already downloaded the 64 bit setup but its not working, it shows “cant open output file”. pls help me
I have tested the driver that you tried and it worked perfectly fine on my Windows 7 computer. It seems like some problem on the computer.
First, we would suggest you update your Windows and then try the same driver, but do right-click on the driver and click on “Run as Administrator”.
If the full feature driver is still not working, then you should try its basic driver.
Please share the result with us. If it doesn’t work, then we’ll give you its core basic driver that you’ll have to install it manually.